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HTML Formatter

Simple HTML Formatter

How to Use an HTML Formatter

If you are an HTML user and you want to make your HTML code look better, you should use an HTML formatter. A good HTML formatter will make your HTML code readable and easy to read. It will also decorate CSS and JavaScript between tags for you. This tool will help you format your HTML code in minutes. Its online formatter will help you improve your source format, and it will show you errors in your HTML code so you can fix them right away.

HTML Formatter is a free, online tool that uses Javascript formatting library to create a readable source code. It works by analyzing the code and applying appropriate indentations, wrapping, and removing unnecessary lines. The formatter will also highlight the syntax of your code to make it easier to read. You can use HTML formatter online to beautify your HTML code, no matter if it is a blog post, an article, or an entire website.

HTML Formatter helps you edit, view, and beautify HTML data. It is a great way to share your HTML code and make it look better. Simply upload your HTML file, enter some HTML, and click the "Format HTML" button to see your beautiful new code. You can use HTML Formatter on all modern web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you don't want to download HTML Formatter, you can use a free online HTML formatter that works for Windows, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Edge.

Input HTML


Formatted HTML


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